image credit: tomes project
Thank you to Melanie over at It’s A Bookish Thing for tagging me in the Hamilton Book Tag way back in March. (I know, right? I’m such a terrible blogger.) Anyway, like most of America, I’m straight #Hamiltrash. Go ahead and throw me in the gutter. I’ll never apologize for my obsession. If you have somehow avoided this amazing musical, I urge you to stop depriving yourself of greatness. After that amazing sweep at the Hamil…Tony Awards and in celebration of finally purchasing my very own ticket to see the play, I’m more than motivated to do this post. Without further ado, here are my book picks for the Hamilton book tag. I’ll leave you to it!
THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS: Book world you would put yourself in… |
If I could exist in any book world, I’d find myself at 300 Fox Way. I love the world that Maggie Stiefvater created in The Raven Cycle. I love all the characters. The things about The Raven Cycle world is that it’s not an apocalyptic or dystopian. It’s very grounded in reality, but with just the right touch of magic.
THE SCHUYLER SISTERS: Underrated female character… |
Cassandra Clare is without a doubt one of the most famous authors in the young adult fantasy realm right now, but most of the attention and adoration is given to The Mortal Instruments and Clary, however, I feel that Tessa [Gray] from the Infernal Devices is the absolute most badass and strong female in the whole Shadowhunter world. I’ll admit that when I first started reading the series, Tessa was a bit irritating because she was really proper and lady-like in Victorian times and she’s just, “Oh my God. A girl in pants! THE HORROR!” I was like, “Stop.” But she quickly turned into a super warrior and unlike Clary, she does what she needs to do for the good of the world and Shadowhunters. She doesn’t risk the lives of millions just to save one person she loves.
MY SHOT: A character that goes after what they want and doesn’t let anything stop them… |
Honestly, I have to give this one to Tom Marvolo Riddle, better known to most as Lord Voldemort. He’s persistent in his villainous quests. He would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling kids.
STAY ALIVE: A character you wish was still alive… |
I don’t even need to say it… thank you for our little infinity.
BURN: The most heartbreaking end to a relationship you’ve ever read… |
Eleanor and Park will forever be the death of me. I’m still waiting on Rainbow Rowell to write a sequel and fix this NOW.
YOU’LL BE BACK: Sassiest villain… |
It could be argued that Tyrannus “Baz” Basilton Grimm-Pitch from Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On is not a villain. But he also could be…? Either way, he’s sassy and beautiful.
THE REYNOLDS PAMPHLET : A book with a twist that you didn’t see coming… |

Unfortunately, I ran across THE spoiler to end all spoilers before I was able to read it for myself, but Allegiant, the last book in the Divergent series was seriously unexpected. I almost didn’t believe it when I read the spoiler… like, “Nah, she didn’t do that.” But she did.
NON-STOP: A series you marathoned… |
The very first series I marathoned when I got back into reading and young adult fiction was Twilight. I have no regrets. I read all 4 books within the span of maybe 5 days. I literally would put one book down and go right into the next. It was amazing.
SATISFIED: Favorite book with multiple POVs… |
I can’t think of many multiple POV books, especially good ones. The most recent one I read is Carry On, which is probably one of my favorite books ever, so let’s go with it…again. The POV switches between lots of different characters, even a ghost, but they’re all amazing narrators.
WHO LIVES, WHO DIES, WHO TELLS YOUR STORY: A book/series you feel like will be remembered throughout history… |
Harry Potter, obviously. Since everyone else has already said Harry Potter, I will go with The Hunger Games trilogy. I think that series does an amazing job of making political and cultural commentary that’s so relevant today, that always has been relevant, and always will be relevant.
I tag:
- Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews
- Ali @ The Bander Blog
- Lila @ The Bookkeeper’s Secret
You are welcome! Welcome to hell. Being a Hamilton addict is so painful but so amazing. 😀
Haha! At first I was like: “okay, it’s kinda cool but I don’t see what the big deal is” but then a few seconds later I was like “OH I GET IT NOW”.