I know I haven’t posted a blog, Instagram picture, or even to Twitter in over a month now, but I’m still here. Things have been going…
I officially moved back to Phoenix almost two weeks ago now. I started my new old job–same job title and same district, just at a different school site. It has been a rough start. The schedule was a mess because the previous case managers wrote IEPs with absurd and ridiculous minutes. As if that wasn’t enough stress, I got a transfer student on my very 1st day with a severe emotional disturbance.
But I don’t know… Phoenix has grown on me. I don’t hate it. It’s not my first choice, but I am grounded when I’m here, so maybe it’s a good thing. I’m currently staying with a friend, but I’m apartment hunting. I try to go see at least one new place after work everyday. That’s taking up the bulk of the rest of my time.
As far as reading goes, I haven’t been getting much of it done. I started An Ember in the Ashes on Thanksgiving, but I only got a few chapters in before I moved and I haven’t started again. I bought a Kindle Fire on Black Friday so I could read more–when I’m on the go and especially at night with the light off, but I haven’t been using it. I need to get on that.
I will start reading and book blogging again when things settle down for me though. Probably when I get my own apartment, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later. Until then…
What are you reading? What are your plans for the holidays? We have almost two more weeks of school. Then, I’m going to spend the winter break with my friends in L.A. Las Vegas has been mentioned for the New Year, but nothing is set in stone as far as I know.