It’s been almost two weeks since I finished The Raven King, the last book in Maggie Stiefvater’s beautiful and magical The Raven Cycle. If you haven’t read The Raven Boys and its successors, I urge you to go out and pick it up right now. The series follows a group of teenagers who live in the fictional small town of Henrietta, Virginia. In search of a Welsh King, the group discovers that Henrietta is more magical than they ever dreamed, but the powerful magic also attracts dangerous elements and creatures to the town too that they must face.
If you’re like me and still hung up on The Raven King, here are eight amazing televisions series you can binge-watch right now to quell the longing. Similarly to The Raven Cycle, all of these series have fantastic characters, beautiful world building, and more magic than they can contain. (Black Mirror focuses more on technology and science, but science is magic. Some of the devices the writers came up with could be right out of the Greywaren’s dreams!) Yes, I have actually watched all of these shows and I love every single one of them immensely.
Keep reading to discover your next favorite show.